BJU Press Physical Science Student Text, 5th Edition

BJU Press Physical Science Student Text, 5th Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University

Beginning with an introduction to why we do science, the Physical Science Student Text, 5th ed., gradually builds the student’s understanding of physics concepts in a logical sequence. Beginning with classical mechanics, the text progresses through work and energy, wave phenomena, electricity and magnetism, and light and optics. This transition naturally into the chemistry topics, beginning with the atomic model, then to elements and compounds, chemical reactions, and finishing with solutions, and acids, basis, and salts. Every chapter shows by example why the subject matter is relevant to a Christian worldview of science.  

BJU Press recommends this for 9th Grade.
Softcover, ISBN 9781606824641, Copyright 2014
SKU 1086807
Book Title BJU Press Physical Science Student Text, 5th Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University

Beginning with an introduction to why we do science, the Physical Science Student Text, 5th ed., gradually builds the student’s understanding of physics concepts in a logical sequence. Beginning with classical mechanics, the text progresses through work and energy, wave phenomena, electricity and magnetism, and light and optics. This transition naturally into the chemistry topics, beginning with the atomic model, then to elements and compounds, chemical reactions, and finishing with solutions, and acids, basis, and salts. Every chapter shows by example why the subject matter is relevant to a Christian worldview of science.  

BJU Press recommends this for 9th Grade.
Softcover, ISBN 9781606824641, Copyright 2014
SKU 1086807