Horizons Physical Education 3rd-5th Grade

Horizons Physical Education 3rd-5th Grade

Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications
Time to exercise! Activity-packed Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is perfect for strengthening your students' minds and muscles. With this motivating Christian curriculum, you can teach your students object control skills by using manipulatives. Fun, in-depth lessons cover: body part movements, anatomy and physiology, rhythms in movement, game and coordination courses, and flexibility training. Easy-to-use diagrams are also included to help you explain game rules.

Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher's guide divided into sections for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade levels. Sections contain the teaching material needed for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Each grade includes fitness, motor skill, intellectual, and decisional learning goals. This all-in-one teacher's guide contains teacher instructions, sample lesson plans, and student activities. Focusing on health fitness throughout all grades, this curriculum is best used in a group setting.

Book Title Horizons Physical Education 3rd-5th Grade
Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications
Time to exercise! Activity-packed Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is perfect for strengthening your students' minds and muscles. With this motivating Christian curriculum, you can teach your students object control skills by using manipulatives. Fun, in-depth lessons cover: body part movements, anatomy and physiology, rhythms in movement, game and coordination courses, and flexibility training. Easy-to-use diagrams are also included to help you explain game rules.

Horizons 3rd-5th Grade Physical Education is a complete teacher's guide divided into sections for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade levels. Sections contain the teaching material needed for each grade level for a full school year, based on a three-day per week program. Each grade includes fitness, motor skill, intellectual, and decisional learning goals. This all-in-one teacher's guide contains teacher instructions, sample lesson plans, and student activities. Focusing on health fitness throughout all grades, this curriculum is best used in a group setting.