BJU Press Chemistry Student Lab Manual, 4th Edition

BJU Press Chemistry Student Lab Manual, 4th Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University

Chemistry Student Lab Manual gives students a fresh take on classic chemistry labs. Students get their hands on God’s creation by interacting with the tools of chemistry in ways that make it applicable to their daily lives. Guided inquiry labs point students into new territories in chemistry.

Softcover, ISBN 9781606826089, Copyright 2015, SKU 1094173
Book Title BJU Press Chemistry Student Lab Manual, 4th Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University

Chemistry Student Lab Manual gives students a fresh take on classic chemistry labs. Students get their hands on God’s creation by interacting with the tools of chemistry in ways that make it applicable to their daily lives. Guided inquiry labs point students into new territories in chemistry.

Softcover, ISBN 9781606826089, Copyright 2015, SKU 1094173

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