BJU Press Physics Student Text, 3rd Edition

BJU Press Physics Student Text, 3rd Edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University

Physics Student Text (3rd ed.) investigates the fundamental laws of physics beginning with the laws of motion and energy, advancing to properties of electricity and light, and ending with inquiries in the world of modern physics. Facet sections supplement the core material with relevant points of interest. The text is designed to stimulate curiosity and requires the exercise of good problem-solving skills. It contains diagrams and illustrations to help students visualize the concepts in the text as well as numerous clear illustrations and example problems to help students learn the material. More than 1800 review questions are also included.

SKU 1059069, ISBN 9781591669302, 3rd Edition

Book Title BJU Press Physics Student Text, 3rd Edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University

Physics Student Text (3rd ed.) investigates the fundamental laws of physics beginning with the laws of motion and energy, advancing to properties of electricity and light, and ending with inquiries in the world of modern physics. Facet sections supplement the core material with relevant points of interest. The text is designed to stimulate curiosity and requires the exercise of good problem-solving skills. It contains diagrams and illustrations to help students visualize the concepts in the text as well as numerous clear illustrations and example problems to help students learn the material. More than 1800 review questions are also included.

SKU 1059069, ISBN 9781591669302, 3rd Edition