BJU Press Spelling 2 Home Teacher's Edition, 2nd edition

BJU Press Spelling 2 Home Teacher's Edition, 2nd edition

Publisher: Bob Jones University
The completely revised Spelling 2 Teacher's Edition (2nd ed.) is a critical piece of the spelling 2 curriculum, coordinating all instruction and activities. It contains a reduced copy of the student text with answer overprints as well as lesson notes to guide the teacher through the instruction of spelling patterns and rules using words in context, proofreading, dictionary skills, and writing activities. Lessons include a Christian worldview and present spelling as a vital tool in Christian communication. Each of the 32 weekly spelling lists is presented in a five-day lesson sequence. An appendix provides supplemental information to help the teacher with instruction and review.

Copyright Year - 2012
Edition - 2nd ed.
Grade Level - 2
Length - 200 pages
Author - BJU Press
Format - spiral
Publisher - BJU Press
ISBN - 978-1-60682-117-6

Book Title BJU Press Spelling 2 Home Teacher's Edition, 2nd edition
Publisher: Bob Jones University
The completely revised Spelling 2 Teacher's Edition (2nd ed.) is a critical piece of the spelling 2 curriculum, coordinating all instruction and activities. It contains a reduced copy of the student text with answer overprints as well as lesson notes to guide the teacher through the instruction of spelling patterns and rules using words in context, proofreading, dictionary skills, and writing activities. Lessons include a Christian worldview and present spelling as a vital tool in Christian communication. Each of the 32 weekly spelling lists is presented in a five-day lesson sequence. An appendix provides supplemental information to help the teacher with instruction and review.

Copyright Year - 2012
Edition - 2nd ed.
Grade Level - 2
Length - 200 pages
Author - BJU Press
Format - spiral
Publisher - BJU Press
ISBN - 978-1-60682-117-6