BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8 Teacher's Edition, 3rd Ed.

BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8 Teacher's Edition, 3rd Ed.

Publisher: Bob Jones University
Review the eight parts of speech, five basic sentence patterns, usage, and mechanics Introduce participles, gerunds, and infinitives Dictionary skills, library skills, study skills, and the writing process are also part of the year's work.

Writing projects include a news report, character profile, short fable, informal debate script, photo essay, and in-class essay.

This two-volume set provides many helpful tools for teaching Writing & Grammar 8. Book One includes suggested scheduling, creative teaching strategies, and reduced student pages with overprint answers. Book Two contains reproducible pages for diagnostic pretests, extra activities, ESL worksheets, writing assignment guides, and rubrics to simplify the grading of compositions.

Format: two spiral bound books; 807 pages, softcover.

Includes a Teacher's CD Rom with the following:

ISBN - 9781591663638


Book Title BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8 Teacher's Edition, 3rd Ed.
Publisher: Bob Jones University
Review the eight parts of speech, five basic sentence patterns, usage, and mechanics Introduce participles, gerunds, and infinitives Dictionary skills, library skills, study skills, and the writing process are also part of the year's work.

Writing projects include a news report, character profile, short fable, informal debate script, photo essay, and in-class essay.

This two-volume set provides many helpful tools for teaching Writing & Grammar 8. Book One includes suggested scheduling, creative teaching strategies, and reduced student pages with overprint answers. Book Two contains reproducible pages for diagnostic pretests, extra activities, ESL worksheets, writing assignment guides, and rubrics to simplify the grading of compositions.

Format: two spiral bound books; 807 pages, softcover.

Includes a Teacher's CD Rom with the following:

ISBN - 9781591663638