The Bill of Rights: Protecting Our Freedom Then and Now

The Bill of Rights: Protecting Our Freedom Then and Now

Publisher: MISC SA
Author: Syl Sobel

This item is on backorder until September 2024. 

By 1787, the leaders of America's 13 newly-created states that had just won their independence from Britain convened to draw up the Constitution of the United States. However, citizens of many of the states feared that a new American government could take away certain of their rights, just as the British had done when they were colonies. It was soon agreed to add a series of ten amendments to the Constitution in order to guarantee specific rights to all citizens and states. These first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. Syl Sobel presents each of these amendments in this brand-new book, and clearly explains them in terms that grammar school students will find both meaningful and interesting. In the process, he points out fascinating facets of American constitutional history and law. He also explains how such rights as freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, as well as protections from unreasonable searches and a fair trial by jury apply to all of us in our daily lives. Here is a book that will be valued by teachers and enjoyed by young students. Includes line illustrations, a glossary, and a suggested reading list.

Paperback, ISBN 9780764140211, SKU 1040211

Book Title The Bill of Rights: Protecting Our Freedom Then and Now
Publisher: MISC SA
Author Syl Sobel

This item is on backorder until September 2024. 

By 1787, the leaders of America's 13 newly-created states that had just won their independence from Britain convened to draw up the Constitution of the United States. However, citizens of many of the states feared that a new American government could take away certain of their rights, just as the British had done when they were colonies. It was soon agreed to add a series of ten amendments to the Constitution in order to guarantee specific rights to all citizens and states. These first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. Syl Sobel presents each of these amendments in this brand-new book, and clearly explains them in terms that grammar school students will find both meaningful and interesting. In the process, he points out fascinating facets of American constitutional history and law. He also explains how such rights as freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, as well as protections from unreasonable searches and a fair trial by jury apply to all of us in our daily lives. Here is a book that will be valued by teachers and enjoyed by young students. Includes line illustrations, a glossary, and a suggested reading list.

Paperback, ISBN 9780764140211, SKU 1040211