White Fang

White Fang

Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Author: Jack London
Classic Books - High School Reading

A classic adventure novel detailing the savagery of life in the northern wilds. Its central character is a ferocious and magnificent creature, half dog, half wolf, through whose experiences we feel the harsh rhythms and patterns of wilderness life among animals and men.

This book was chosen using the high school reading list that is provided in the back of the SAT College and Preparation Course.

Grade Level: 6 and up
Ages: 11 and up

Book Title White Fang
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Author Jack London
Classic Books - High School Reading

A classic adventure novel detailing the savagery of life in the northern wilds. Its central character is a ferocious and magnificent creature, half dog, half wolf, through whose experiences we feel the harsh rhythms and patterns of wilderness life among animals and men.

This book was chosen using the high school reading list that is provided in the back of the SAT College and Preparation Course.

Grade Level: 6 and up
Ages: 11 and up